Northern Rivers Rail Trail closed due to severe weather – Stay updated via BOM and official sources.

Emergency information and first aid

In an emergency or life-threatening situation, call 000 immediately.

If you need to call 000, here is how you can help them locate you.

  1. Use the Emergency Plus app when there is no mobile phone coverage.
  2. Turn on your phone GPS / location services settings to tell the operator where you are.
  3. Tell the 000 operator the code on the nearest Rail Trail Location Marker (or scan the QR code) and you can find their specific location.

We also have online report a problem and incident forms to log any issues.

Location markers

Northern Rivers Rail Trail location marker

At every kilometre along the trail there is a Rail Trail Location Marker with a unique code. They start with the letters ‘NRRT’ followed by 3 numbers which identifies the number of kilometres in distance from the trailhead at Murwillumbah Railway Station. Please note these as you pass them.

These markers will help you to report any issues to rail trail operators, and allow emergency responders to identify your location and how to get there. View all location marker details, including latitude and longitude coordinates.

Emergency vehicles and access

Ambulances can drive onto and access all areas of the trail and cross the 16 bridges on the trail if needed.

All other emergency service vehicles can drive onto and access the trail from a number of emergency access points, however may not be able to cross the bridges depending on their vehicle size.

Emergency responders have all the necessary information about location markers, trail access and emergency entry points to get to you as quickly as possible.

Plan and prepare for emergencies

To plan and prepare for using the trail we recommend you:

  1. Download the Emergency Plus app from your app store as an emergency backup if you are in a situation with no mobile phone coverage or remember you can dial 112 if you’re in a remote area with poor mobile coverage, and ask for an ambulance.
  2. Get familiar with your phone and how to activate the location settings and emergency SOS settings should they be required.
  3. Be prepared by using our plan, pack and prepare checklist.
  4. Have a printed or downloaded rail trail map for reference.

First aid

Trail users are encouraged to carry their own first aid kit or snake bite kit. A range of rail trail experiences and businesses will also have first aid options onsite.

The Murwillumbah Railway Station has an AED Defibrillator and a First Aid Station to treat basic cuts, scrapes and sprains.

First aid for snake bites

In the event of any emergency, including a snake bite, always call 000 or call 112 if you’re in a remote area with poor mobile coverage, and ask for an ambulance.

Keep calm, and follow these steps:

  1.  Get the person away from the snake.
  2.  Ensure they rest and help them to stay calm.
  3.  Follow the steps of basic first aid — DRSABCD.
  4.  Call triple zero (000) or 112 in remote areas and ask for an ambulance.
  5.  Apply a pressure immobilisation bandage. If you can’t use a pressure immobilisation bandage because the bite is on the stomach or back, apply constant, firm pressure.

Things you should not do:

  1.  Do not wash the bite area — venom left on the skin and clothing can help identify the snake.
  2.  Do not apply a tourniquet (a strap to stop blood flow)
  3.  Do not cut the wound
  4.  Do not try to suck the venom (poison) out.

For more advice visit

For more detailed information about the rail trail, refer to our frequently asked questions.


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