Distance and time

Location markers

Location marker on the Trail

At every kilometre along the trail there is a Location Marker with a unique code.  They start with the letters NRRT followed by 3 numbers, which identifies the number of kilometres in distance from the trailhead at Murwillumbah Railway Station.

Read more about emergency information.

Distances: Casino to Lismore

View the Casino to Lismore map

Distances (km) between various points along Northern Rivers Rail Trail – Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek
Old Casino Station Spring Grove Road carpark Naughton Gap Road carpark Barlings Creek Bridge Naughtons Gap Road Tunnel Overpass Bentley Road carpark Back Creek Bridge, Bentley Oakey Creek Bungabbee Road Back Creek Bridge, Leycester Kyogle Road Cubawee Rifle Range Road Nesbitt Park Connection Lismore Railway Station
Old Casino Station Trail Head 0.65 km 1 km 2.45 km 7.85 km 11.85 km 12.6 km 15.01 km 20.81 km 23.71 km 25.21 km 29.21 km 29.86 km
Spring Grove Road carpark 0.65 km  0  0.35 km  1.8 km 7.2 km 11.2 km  11.95 km 14.36 km 20.16 km 23.06 km 24.56 km 28.56 km 29.21 km
Naughton Gap Road carpark 1 km  0.35 km 0 1.45 km 6.85 km 10.85 km 11.6 km 14.01 km 19.81 km 22.71 km 27.41 km 28.21 km 28.86 km
Barlings Creek Bridge 2.45 km 1.8 km 1.45 km 0 5.4 km 9.4 km 10.15 km 12.56 km 18.36 km 21.26 km 22.76 km 26.76 km 27.41 km
Naughtons Gap Road Tunnel Overpass 7.85 km 7.2 km 6.85 km 5.4 km 0 4 km 4.75 km 7.16 km 12.96 km 15.86 km 17.36 km 21.36 km 21.04 km
Bentley Road carpark 11.85 km 11.2 km 10.85 km 9.4 km 4 km 0 0.75 km 3.16 km 8.96 km 11.86 km 13.36 km 17.36 km 18.01 km
Back Creek Bridge, Bentley 12.6 km 11.95 km 11.6 km 10.15 km 4.75 km 0.75 0 2.41 km 8.21 km 11.11 km 12.61 km 16.61 km 17.26 km
Oakey Creek/Bungabbee Road 15.01 km 14.36 km 14.01 km 12.56 km 7.16 km 3.16 km 2.41 km 0 5.8 km 8.7 km 10.2 km 14.2 km 14.85 km
Back Creek Bridge, Leycester 20.81 km 20.16 km 19.81 km 18.36 km 12.96 km 8.96 km 8.21 km 5.8 km 0 2.5 km 4.4 km 8.4 km 9.05 km
Kyogle Road/Cubawee 23.71 km 23.06 km 22.71 km 21.26 km 15.86 km 11.86 km 11.11 km 8.7 km 2.5 km 0 1.5 km 5.5 km 6.15 km
Rifle Range Road 25.21 km 24.56 km 24.21 km 22.76 km 17.36 km 13.36 km 12.61 km 10.2 km 4.4 km 1.5 km 0 4 km 4.65 km
Nesbitt Park Connection 29.21 km 28.56 km 28.21 km 26.76 km 21.36 km 17.36 km 16.61 km 14.2 km 8.4 km 5.5 km 4 km 0 0.65 km
Lismore Railway Station 29.86 km 29.21 km 28.86 km 27.41 km 21.04 km 18.01 km 17.26 km 14.85 km 9.05 km 6.15 km 4.65 km 0.65 km 0


Distances: Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek

View the Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek map

Distances (km) between various points along Northern Rivers Rail Trail – Casino to Lismore
Murwillumbah Railway Station Tweed Regional Gallery Stokers Siding Station Upper Burringbar Station Burringbar Station Mooball Station Crabbes Creek Station
Murwillumbah Railway Station Trail Head 2.2 km 8.3 km 15.4 km 18.7 km 20.85 km 23.7 km
Tweed Regional Gallery 2.2 km 6.1 km 13.2 km 16.5 km 18.65 km 21.5 km
Stokers Siding Station 8.3 km 6.1 km 7.1 km 10.4 km 12.55 km 15.4 km
Upper Burringbar Station 15.4 km 13.2 km 7.1 km 3.3 km 5.45 km 8.3 km
Burringbar Station 18.7 km 16.5 km 10.4 km 3.3 km 2.15 km 5.0 km
Mooball Station 20.85 km 18.65 km 12.55 km 5.45 km 2.15 km 2.85 km
Crabbes Creek Station 23.7 km 21.5 km 15.4 km 8.3 km 5.0 km 2.85 km



How long will it take?

Based on averages of:

Person walking icon Walking:
5 km/h

Person running icon Running:
10 km/h

Person cycling icon Riding (leisure):
15 km/h

Person cycling icon Riding (enthusiast):
25 km/h

Expand the boxes below to see the distances and travel times between the various points. All the distances and times below are based on a one-way journey; for the return journey, simply double the figure. Times are approximate, please use your own judgement and allow additional time for breaks or anything unplanned.

For further information please refer to our frequently asked questions.


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