delivering economic benefits for the Tweed

26 July 2024

Economic Impact Assessment reveals $3.7 million boost to region

The results are in: The Tweed section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail (NRRT) has surpassed expectations, boosting the Tweed economy by more than $3.7 million in its first year of operation.

An independent Economic Impact Assessment Report by Muller Enterprise, commissioned by Tweed Shire Council and the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation, analysed the benefits of the Rail Trail to the Tweed since opening on 1 March 2023.

Key findings of the report include:

  • The Tweed section has attracted significant visitor spending, driving a 15.7% average increase in monthly spend compared to the previous year and stimulated growth in unique visitors (+23% year-over-year) and visitor transactions (+19% year-over-year).
  • Businesses along the trail reported increased visibility, foot traffic and in many cases, higher revenues in both Murwillumbah and less-frequented hinterland villages.
  • The total value of visitor spend has increased by $3.717 million compared to the previous year. This far exceeds the anticipated boost of $2.45 million that was forecast.
  • The local economy should expect an additional $114.3 million in visitor expenditure flowing into the Tweed LGA over the term of the rail corridor lease (30 years) – representing a 54% increase over the originally anticipated boost to the local visitor economy.

Some challenges and opportunities identified by the study include shifts in the competitive landscape, inadequate parking in some areas and the need for more trail amenities.

Opportunities were found to lie in encouraging businesses to leverage the NRRT Business Connect Program and work with the NRRT product, adapt their offerings to cater for more diverse trail user preferences and to collaborate with each other to better maximise benefits and tackle challenges.

Mayor of Tweed Shire Chris Cherry was pleased with the results of the report.

“We always knew the Rail Trail would draw tourists, but it has far exceeded expectations. It’s boosting our economy and highlights how recreational and nature-based infrastructure can stimulate regional economies,” Cr Cherry said.

“Since opening, we have welcomed more than 165,000 users to the Tweed section of the NRRT and in further great news, results from our visitor experience survey shows 80% of visitors used a service on the Rail Trail, such as a café, restaurant, bike hire or shuttle service which is great for our local economy.

“While the economic benefits are welcome, the Rail Trail has provided such a fantastic opportunity for accessible recreation, fostering physical connection and social activity which is equally as important for our local community.

“We’d like to thank all of our licensed operators and Business Connect Program members for their support, and the wider community for making the Rail Trail such a huge success.”

Business Murwillumbah President Rebecca Whan was delighted to see expectations for the Rail Trail translated into reality.

“Though only in its fledgling years, the boost to business and in turn, the local community has already been enormous,” Ms Whan said.

“Previously quiet, under-visited villages have become vibrant hubs once again. The flow-on economic impact will be realised exponentially once the Rail Trail is completed, encouraging valuable overnight stays and additional spend.

“After some particularly trying years for local business this has provided a much-needed lifeline and we are looking forward to supporting the Rail Trail as it grows and develops over time.”

Vice President of Northern Rivers Rail Trail Inc Cameron Arnold OAM also shared his excitement about the outcomes of the report.

“It’s been such a difficult journey for our supporters’ group to convince the local community, councils and government agencies of the significant impact that re-establishing this major infrastructure would have,” Mr Arnold said.

“Whilst we were confident of its success, to exceed the original outlook by 54% after only being in operation for over a year, sends a very clear message that this is a project that brings incredible value to its community, locally, regionally and as a State significant asset.”

The Northern Rivers Rail Trail is a shared recreation and nature trail, and the ‘must do’ experience in the region, providing a safe environment for people of all abilities to explore the beautiful Northern Rivers region.

The Rail Trail has recently earned Tripadvisor’s coveted Travellers’ Choice Award, ranking it in the top 10% of attractions worldwide.

Establishment of the Rail Trail is part of Tweed Shire Council’s commitment to providing our community with opportunities to be active and healthy, while also making the Tweed a great place to live and visit.

When completed, the Northern Rivers Rail Trail will be 132 km in length, traversing from Casino through Lismore, Byron and connecting with the Tweed in partnership with the four councils.

Businesses wanting to leverage the Rail Trail are encouraged to join the Business Connect Program to access resources, marketing support, and to collaborate with other stakeholders. Find out more about the Rail Trail and the Business Connect Program at

Read the full Muller Enterprise report here:

Thank you to the NSW Government and Regional NSW who jointly funded the commissioning of this report.


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